Straight from the Life of Kel

My Life, My Loves & My Pursuit of Those

My First Felted Project

I used Deneen's Pattern "Marvelous" Fulled Mini Tote Bag . I just love her patterns, well written and easy to follow.

I used Bernat Lana (100% wool)~ 1 natural, 1 beige & 1 chocolate (1/2 skein). It felted nicely. I was impressed about how easy it did so I am very happy with my results.

Prefelted 14" x 14"

Felted 9" x 11"

With stuff inside

This pattern was a great first felting project and I will more then likely make it again. Thanks for the pattern Deneen!

I am a nostepinde winner!

Jimbo had a contest on his contest to win this lovely hand turned nostepinde. I was lucky enough to win this beautiful yarn winding tool. I now have it in my possession.

I showed it Ray and he gave me the weirdest look you had ever seen when I was all excited about it. I had to explain and demostrate how you use it. If you enjoy wonderfully hand made items, check out Jimbos blog. He makes the most beautiful hand craved crochet hooks. Stop by and say hi even. He is a nice guy and has a great sense of humor!

Thank you once again Jimbo. I will cherish this always and hopefully pass it along to my children/grandchildren someday.


Opps..I did it again!

I went on a yarn spending spree! Well, not really. I didn't use my fiber allowance for October and I had November's as well so it was a budgetted shopping spree. Yes I said, I didn't use October's allowance, well remember I received cash for my October 11th birthday. I receive the same amount from the same people every year so I didn't spend my allowance knowing full well that I would be able to spend more in November. But I am tapped out for the allowance and it is November 8, lol!

Here is my yarn buying adventure..

4 skeins Bernat Cool Crochet
1 HUGE 14 oz skein of Bernat Handicrafter
Red Heart Crystilites L,M,N,P
These were all purchaesd at Wallyworld. I didn't have anything in mind but the huge ball of Handicrafter I have never seen before so I *had* to buy as well as the Cool Crochet.

Joann stop yielded some Simply Soft Shadows on sale so I of course *had* to buy it and this neat little crochet/knit how to kit. I am considering giving it as a gift but well will see. USed my 40% off coupon so I may talk myslef into to keeping it. Who knows!

This was a Destash purchase. 4 skeins Misti Pima Cotton

This was my finds at my local Barnes and Noble. They are moving to a larger location and the old location is selling off most of the inventory 50% off so I made a few purchases.

Well that was the fun I had for November fiber shopping. Nothing super special but I am happy! Well at least for now.


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Name: Kel
Home: Thurston County, Washington, United States

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Fat Bottom Bag Lining

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