Straight from the Life of Kel

My Life, My Loves & My Pursuit of Those

Sandal Socks, another FO and some life stuff!

I love the idea of these. I love my sandals but after wearing them all day I get sore areas where the straps touch so this is a great idea. I found the pattern on that place!

Flip-Flop Socks in Crochet
By Leigh Manson-Brown at Knit-Errant
Knit Picks Simple Stripes .5 skein for two
Worked up quick and easy. Was a great little pattern. BTW: Please forgive my not so pretty feet.

Life Stuff for those interested. I have suffered with major anxiety for many years. I never spoke to anyone about it until recently. I have been unable to focus on anything or get anything finished. My anxiety had started to move into a very bad direction. Well... I was coaxed by my mother, husband and best friend to see my doctor about it. Well... I am happy to say that I am so glad that I did. He started me on Zoloft and I cannot believe the change. I feel relaxed for the first time in many many years. I don't feel antsy, edgy, anxious, etc... I feel relaxed and I am beginning to understand that my axienty levels were unhealthy and affecting everything in my life. I have been sleeping beautifully and feel rested and have energy. I want to do things and get things done. If it wasn't for my family's support and encouragement, I would still be in denial that anything was wrong with me. Thank you to them for seeing the unhealthy behaviors and not giving up on me.
Well, friends, I will have many more FOs in the next few days... I am on a roll. I hope everyone's weekend was lovely, and now I need to go wash my car because Caleb said so ;)

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Name: Kel
Home: Thurston County, Washington, United States

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